Cheevo Archive Wiki
Forums: Index > Watercooler > Ezio181 (closed)

One of CA Wiki's bureaucrats has been breaking our policies.

The user Ezio181 (pictured right) has sent abusive messages which has been censored by one of our Rollbacks (thank you JoeJoe), he has broken our chat policy numerous times from which resulted in a 2 hour ban from chat, and a week's blocking. Ezio181's rights were removed by Admins, however, due to his bureaucrat rights (which cannot be taken away by Admins), he managed to unblock himself and give his admin rigts back. This was seen as an abuse of the Administrator Rights by the other Admins.

The admins have contacted Wikia Staff, who suggested that we make a forum page to decide what should happen to Ezio181's rights.

That's where you (our community) come in, please vote on the poll below and submit any comments/evidence about the Rights of Ezio181. Please be careful what you post here and keep it appropriate or your post may be removed. And please remember to sign your comments with your username or four tidles (~~~~)

The poll will expire soon so please vote!


I can say that the message was highly inappropriate and he should be banned for using such an extreme choice of language and violent implications. If i can do anything else, just say. Joe 2416 Assassins! Wikians! 15:42, June 12, 2012 (UTC)

Thanks for the response, he was blocked and his rights removed, however he removed the block and gave his rights back.

Cheevo_Archive_Wiki_Small.png .50CalAssassin 22:47, June 12, 2012 (UTC)

Thanks for the response, since he is a bureaucrat he can remove his own blocks, and give himself adminship, hence us wanting his bureaucracy taken from him...

CritterL_Gradient.jpg 23:53, June 12, 2012 (UTC)

Ezio181 will be posting his opinion of what has happened soon, so keep an open mind.

Cheevo_Archive_Wiki_Small.png .50CalAssassin 01:10, June 13, 2012 (UTC)

Ezio-Talk to Me!! 00:03, June 14, 2012 (UTC)

What i have done is wrong, but it does not hide the fact of constant provoking by certain Lead Admins, mainly Tawatson, such as having my authority undermined, constant favouritism against me, both on and offline, and remarks about my private life on open wiki chat. I would like to point out that part of what happened on that day was due to being put in a extremely bad mood in person due to some very bad relationship and family issues. I was provoked about my personal life on that current chat and in person that day, as well as being told that to keep my authority and indeed my place on the wiki I must have an Obsidian Craft subscription (or in simple English, a subscription to a Miecraft server). As i was annoyed horribly by that, and then to have my family and relationship status called into question on an open chat, months of on and offline anger was released. It just so happened that i released it in the wrong place, and that I was over-the-top in what I said. I am not here to try and justify why what I did was right, because it wasn't. I am here to justify a motive behind my actions. I would like to apologise to everyone affected by this incident, and also that I have removed my bureaucracy and am now placing myself on a one-month redemption period. I feel not for what I've done, apart from feeling disgraced i could allow myself to act so, however I feel it is important for the community to see this incident from my perspective, and feel that I was a victim almost as much as I was an attacker.


Ezio-Talk to Me!! 00:03, June 14, 2012 (UTC)